
I'm a Creative Talent Director, Human-Centered Designer, and Visual Thinker, currently based in San Francisco. I help organizations find creative talent by taking a product-centric approach to recruiting and people operations. I specialize in using human centered design as a catalyst to honed in on mapping the end-to-end candidate and hiring team experience and what we’d design to get there - transforming - complexity to clarity, ambiguity to structure, and inconsistency into creativity.

If you're seeking a fresh perspective on talent acquisition, I'd be delighted to help.

Creative Talent Director | Strategist | Human Centered Designer

Making Creative
Minds Visible.

Areas of Expertise

Design & Operations

Brand Design
Visual Design
Graphic Design
Design Research
Product Design
Interaction Design

Strategy & Marketing

Brand Marketing
Marketing Director
Digital Strategist
Creative Director
Digital Strategist
Communication Design